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Blind Horse (Motivational story)

 Blind Horse (Motivational story)

Blind Horse

Two horses lived in a farm house built near the city. Looking at them both of them looked exactly alike, but upon passing, it was found that one of them is blind. But despite being blind, the owner of the farm did not expel him from there but kept him with more security and comfort. If someone had paid a little more attention, he would have also known that the owner had tied a bell around the neck of another horse, on hearing whose voice the blind horse would reach him and roam around in the enclosure. Even the bell horse understood the trouble of his blind friend, he would look back in between and make sure that he does not go out of the way. He would also ensure that his friend was safe; Get back to his place, and only then will he move towards his place.

Friends, just like the owner of the farm, God does not leave us just because we have any faults or shortcomings. They take care of us and whenever we need it, we send someone to help us. Sometimes we are those blind horses who overcome their problems with the help of a bell tied by God, sometimes we are used to show others the way by the bell tied around our neck.

Note: The inspirational story shared here is not my original creation, I have read it before i wrote this.

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