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Warren Buffett Biography

Warren Buffett Biography (Motivation Dam)


Warren Buffett was born on 30 August 1930 at the Nebraska site in the city of Omaha, USA. Warren Buffett's father's name was Howard Buffet, who was a stock market trader and mother's name was Leela. He was the only son of the second place and the only son among his mother's three children. Warren began his elementary education at Rose Hill Elementary School. His father was elected to the United States Congress in 1942, after which his family moved to Washington. Warren then studied at Alice Deal Junior High School and graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1947.


Warren Buffett Warren Buffett was keen on trade and investment since childhood. In the early days of his business, when he was only eleven years old, he used to go from house to house distributing magazines, selling Chewingham and Coca-Cola bottles, to make money out of his pocket money. After this, he used to work in his grandfather's Kirana shop to earn money, distributing newspapers, selling golf balls and stamps, etc. when he used to study in high school. At the age of only thirteen, he had filed his first income tax return due to which he had reduced his cycle usage and clock by $ 35. He always regretted that he started making money too late.


Warren Buffet believes that each one credit for what he's today goes to Benzamin Graham, friends Benjamin Graham was also an enormous stock exchange player and Warren worked on his salary of $ 1200 dollars a month. And it had been from him that Warren Buffet learned the virtues of investing when Warren joined the corporate .


After 2 years, Benjamin Graham retired, and then Warren also left his job and started his own work, in the next few years, after joining North Warren Buffet joined Arboati's count. Today became the world's third and richest person in America, Warren Buffet is a successful investor and entrepreneur at the age of 85, as well as a Motivational Speaker, and he is considered to be the most gifted bir of the 21st century.


The biggest thing is that Warren Buffet made history by donating about 85% of his total wealth to Bill Gates's Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and became the world's biggest donor.


private life


Mr. Buffett married Susan Thompson (Susan Thompson) in 1952. They had three children, Susie, Howard (Howard) and Peter (Peter). They began living separately from 1977, although Susan died in July 2004. Till then he remained married. Her daughter Susie lives in Omaha and does charitable work through her Susan A. Buffett organization and is a National Board member of Girls, Inc. (Girls, Inc.).


On his 76th birthday in 2006, he was unmarried and living with his long-time partner, Astrid Menks, who was 70 years old and had been living with him since his wife moved to San Francisco in 1977. Got married The interesting thing is that they were both met by Susan Buffett, before moving to Omaha to pursue their future in music. The three were very close and would have written to friends on holiday invitations "Warren, Susie and Astrid "(according to Roger Lowenstein's book Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist). Susan Buffett briefly interviewed The Charlie Rose Show about this relationship before her death. It was a rare glimpse of Buffett's personal life.


He is a keen player of the bridge (a card game) and he says he spends 12 hours a week playing the game. He often plays alongside Bill Gates and Paul Allen.



In June 2006, Buffett had approximately one million B class shares of Berkshire Hathaway (valued at approximately US $ 30.7 billion as of June 23, 2006) to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Were given It became the largest charitable donation in history. Beginning in 2006, Buffett Gates will also become a member of the board of directors of the institution annually, each July receiving 5% of the total donation amount to the institution, although he has no intention of directly joining the institution's investments.


Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are both enthusiastic supporters of Planned Parenthood, a non-profit organization, and are also funded by Buffett and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Planned parenthood alone accounts for about 20% of abortions occurring in the US. The Planned Parenthood receives almost a third of its money from government grants and contracts ($ 337.6 million in 2007), and the remainder of the clinic's proceeds and donations from wealthy individuals such as Warren Buffett.


He has also announced his plan that Berkshire stocks worth approximately $ 6.7 billion will be given to the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and other institutions run by his three children. This was a significant change from his earlier statements, in which he had said that most of his wealth would go to the Buffett Foundation. The majority of his wife's estate, valued at $ 2.6 billion, died in 2004. Went to the same organization after.


Their children will not be able to inherit a large part of their property. Their steps are in line with their earlier ideas in which they opposed transfer of property from one generation to another. Buffett once remarked, "I want to offer my children enough, in order that they think they will do anything they need, but don't need to offer such a lot that they become lethargic"


His 1988 statements, respectively, demonstrate his views on his own assets and why he had planned for a long time that:


"I do not have a problem with money in the guilt issue" is that my money represents a vast number of claims scrutiny on society. It is as if I have small pieces of paper. Which I can convert to consumption. If I want to hire 10,000 people who don't do anything else for life, just make my picture. And GNP will go up again but its utility will be nothing but I will give those 10,000 people Would be prohibited from doing other necessary tasks such as AIDS research, or teaching, or nursing, etc. However I do not do so. Many of the claims that I do not use the investigation. There is nothing that I like too much Want to get it. And I will leave almost all those claim checks for charity after the death of myself and my wife. (Lowe 1997: 165-166)


On June 27, 2008, Zhao Danyang, general manager of the "Pure Heart China Growth Investment Fund", ran an eBay 5-day online 2008 "lunch with Warren Buffett" eBay 210100 was won with the highest bid. Zhao had the right to dine at the Smith & Wollensky Streakhaus in New York with the 76-year-old Buffett, who could also call their 4 other comrades on this private party and ask Buffett anything except What are they buying. The money from the auction benefited the San Francisco Glide Foundation. Mohnish Pabrai had a dinner with Buffett in 2007.


Buffett donated 512169 "B" category Berkshire shares to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (651250 shares) and two other charitable entities. Their total value is $ 2.05 billion at $ 3999.


Buffett gave Dow Chemical the $ 18.8 billion needed to acquire their Rohm & Haas. Thus he became the largest shareholder of this huge conglomerate with Berkshire Hathaway, which provided $ 3 billion, exposing his significant role during the current crisis of debt and stock markets.



Warren Buffett's writings include his annual reports and numerous articles. In his articles, The Super investors of Graham-and-Doddsville, Buffett describes this educational situation according to which the market is well And defeating the S&P (S&P 500) is a "mere insult", criticized and referred to many members of Graham and Dodd on the principle of value investing. In addition to Buffett, Walter J. Schloss, Tom Knapp, Ed Anderson (Tweedy, Brown Inc.), Bill Ruane (Sequoia Fund, Inc.), Charles Munger, Rick Guerin (Pacific Partners, Ltd.) and Stan Perlmeter (Perlmeter Investments), mentioned. Those who have beaten the S & P500 "year after year".



"Earnings: Never depend on income alone. Invest to make another source of income. "


“Success: When opportunities come, you do something. There was also a moment in my life when I had a bundle of measures. But if I get a solution next week, then only I will be able to do anything, otherwise I will not be able to do anything. "

"Expense: If you're buying the items that you simply don't need, then at some point you'll need to sell the items you would like ."


"Saving: don't save what's left after spending, but must save whatever is left after saving."


"Risk: Never measure the depth of a river with two legs."


"Investment: Never put all of your eggs in one basket."


“Hope: Honesty is that the costliest gift. Don't expect it from small people. "


"Insanity: If you're also involved in 1% lucky people of humanity, then you'll teach humanity to 99% people."


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