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Secret of Success

Secret of Success (Motivational story)

Once a young boy asked Socrates what is the secret of success?

Socrates told the boy that you should meet me by the river tomorrow. They met Socrates then asked the young man to move with him towards the river. And as the moving water reached the throat, Socrates suddenly dipped the boy's head in the water.

The boy struggled to get out, but Socrates was strong and kept him immersed until he started turning blue. Socrates then threw his head out of the water, and the first thing that the boy did when he came out was to gasp and breathe fast.

Socrates asked, "What did you would like most once you were there?"

The boy replied, "Breathe"

Socrates said, "This is the secret of success. When you want success as badly as you wanted to breathe, you will get it. "Apart from that there is no secret.

Friends, when you want only one and only thing then you get that thing more often than not. Like look at young children, they live in the past or in the future, they always live in the present… and when they need a toy to play or a toffee to eat… then their full attention, their All the power is used to get only that one thing and as a result they get that thing.

So FOCUS is very important to get success, intensity is very important in what you want to achieve. And when you get that focus and that intensity, then you get success.

To understand the importance of focus, read this post: Focus is essential for success

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