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What Is Motivation?

What Is Motivation?

The word motivation is derived from the word ‘purpose’ which means needs, desires, desires or drives within individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to perform tasks to accomplish goals. Motivation is the cause of people's actions, desires and needs. Motivation is additionally a direction for behavior, or what causes an individual to repeat a behavior. One person is not motivated by another person. Inspiration comes from within the person. So now, read in full, what is inspiration?


Psychological factors that stimulate people's behavior in a work goal context can be :-


  •          Desire for money
  •          Success
  •          Recognition
  •          Job satisfaction
  •          Team work, etc.


One of the most important tasks of management is to create a desire among employees to perform to the best of their ability. Therefore the role of a leader is to generate interest in the performance of the employees in their jobs. The process of motivation contains three stages: -

  1.          Need a feel or drive
  2.         A stimulus
  3.         When needs are satisfied, satisfaction or achievement of goals.

Therefore, we can say that motivation is a psychological phenomenon which means that the needs and desires of individuals should be dealt with by preparing an incentive plan.

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